
Sunday 24 October 2010
its monday again,
and its the day that i hate the most since i start working. every time, i will have a miserable monday.

which make me moodless.

its almost one month since im start to works.
time flies...
but i cant do anything bout it.
sumtime realli hope that time realli passin fast
cause its kinda boring working here.

always felt like im alone

nobody realli seems 2 care bout wat i hv done

sumtimes its fun staying here as i gt thing to learn and explore. but when go for very deep debugin. while im stuck realli make me moodless

and the music here is driving me crazy

sooner later i'll be able to memorize wats song is comin next..

life is booring, but cant do anything to fix it.

felt like raped by the reality...

must gambatte gambatte gammmmbatte


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