October 17

Sunday 17 October 2010
is a morning with noone slep beside me. its not a bad thing, but i don hope it will happen frequently..

Today borrow 100 bucks from my evil brother, and i hate borrowing money.
its embarassing, but i kinda need that money to pay the deposit to Kelvin Chang for my upcoming EOS 1000D DSLR

and im getting addicted to it.

after that went to met Kelvin and we hav a "long chat". Around an hour of talk, eventhou we do nt know each other. but with same hobbies and we r teenager, i think we both enjoy the talk.

we talk about cameras, schoollifes and also kuehchap which is very famous in my area.

one thing that he motivated me is that

camera is just something extra, at the end, u re the one who take pictures.

in some point i quite agree with him, but i think that camera wasnt "something" but my partner for coming lifes.
my another companion.


today went to pick my baby at her house.
and its good to hav sweat all day long. although i din like it very much.

at nite time, we had a "show hand cannot see five finger " night, as the elecitry is drop?
but kinda enjoy the enviroment.
baby used to tell me she like the situation where she can slep earli on the nite.

we head back kuching at around 740.
as we reach home we do our thing infront of computer,where she is watching drama and im doing alot of ??? thing.

then we went bad.
some arguement and we manage to solve it.
i think that make our relation went a little bit better than yesterday as we knew each other more.

but i had a bad night as i cant realli slp...
guling here and there quietly...
so i wont wake her up. as she were tired alreadi.
i think i had my slep after 2 am...


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