hey pal!

Sunday 24 October 2010

hi pal,

i dono whats wrong between u and me and im kinda tired of whats happening.

u realli make me sick
what hav i done that make u angry and unhappy with me.

lifes realli sucks as i realli take u as my BROTHER but u did nt appreciate it.
mayb sumtime u had bad mood talkin to me, but i don mean it,
as i realli din mean it,
im jus expressing myself without hiding anything

but recently,
u realli change a lot..
u become realli kns,
dono whats happened to u.
but feel like beating u.
next time,
i'll gonna consider realli good as i don wan me and my baby's mood spoil by u.

u re sucker....
r u gonna keep tat till the end of ur life?

i wonder...
but hope tat u wont keep tat attitude.
its doesnt make ppl around u feel good

while talking to u, hav to think very carefully....
i hate tat feeling.
like we re getting futher and futher
isn it BROTHER r gonna going closer and closer...

plz, if u still care for this relationship,
don keep everything inside u
it wont help and im nt gonna take my first step this time.
u choose wat u wanna be.

take care


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