damn inti college!

Thursday 28 October 2010
its two months from my withdraw, and there are still no news from the stupid college,
and im kinda pissed off.
hey inti sucks college,
do u know that,
when u collect money from us, u mus make sure us pay within the first week

but, when we wan our money back,
u keep us waiting!
wait wait wait

u used to said 3 weeks times and i go and ask at the 8th weeks time!
what answer u giv me?

wait until friday

then friday i called, u said wait monday

then the 9th weeks,
i called!
u keep me on the phone like a silly guy for 15 minutes!

and then ask me wait for ur call.

i wait for 2 day again
the third day,
i call again, and u hav me waiting for 20 minutes!

omg, u re fucker!
wats wrong with you!?

u don wanna return my money isit?
im tired of waiting!
i hope u go bankrup very soon!

fuck u!


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