damn inti college!

Thursday 28 October 2010
its two months from my withdraw, and there are still no news from the stupid college,
and im kinda pissed off.
hey inti sucks college,
do u know that,
when u collect money from us, u mus make sure us pay within the first week

but, when we wan our money back,
u keep us waiting!
wait wait wait

u used to said 3 weeks times and i go and ask at the 8th weeks time!
what answer u giv me?

wait until friday

then friday i called, u said wait monday

then the 9th weeks,
i called!
u keep me on the phone like a silly guy for 15 minutes!

and then ask me wait for ur call.

i wait for 2 day again
the third day,
i call again, and u hav me waiting for 20 minutes!

omg, u re fucker!
wats wrong with you!?

u don wanna return my money isit?
im tired of waiting!
i hope u go bankrup very soon!

fuck u!

life is boring expecially when work

working its like sitting at a new place with a group or gang of people who u dono. besides that, u re limited for some action which i need the most.--suft net.

i hate when all ur activities is monitored by ppl. its feels like u re watching me bath~

especially when u re newcomer. everything is new to you. i hate being new, ppl look down at u.
some of them feels like the monkey in the cage, and im working together with them in the cage, the monkeys look at new comers as human.which gav me very weird feeling. and i hate it very much.

im working as a programmer for 1 months. but most of the time, i don have much thing to do.
the role im playin here is jus to maintain the program. solve bug and sit there.

as im sitting at HR department which is very weird. they re too noisy when i need focus. the song they play here is killing me.
everyday repeat the same thing. and i hate it.

can i hav some work load that can giv me more knowledge and experience?
i hate sitting there and nothing to do.

is this the life of a programmer?


Terrible Morning

Tuesday 26 October 2010
Baby angry at me today.
Again, because of sum words i said.

feel very tired, cause I really don understand, by just saying those "Sensitive word", my day mood is ruined..

why cant we make the conversation in a calm way,
i hate argueing on stupid thing that doesnt realli need to argue for.

hope that tis thin can be improve.

Today i had my breakfast at M2, ordered WANTAN MEE at RM3.50 and TCP at RM1.40

a good thing happen where i pay RM 5 for the drinks and i get RM 7.40 back.

wow.. good things happens to.


besides that, i also signed on the agreement where i will never disclose company info to outsider.

muahaha, thats sounds good. FEEL GOOD Too~


Monday 25 October 2010
i always stuck when met a problem that i cannot solve.
in programming, everythings deals with logic
but the computer logic is very different from human logic
when u think a solution that way,
and solve the bug the way u wanted.
u may found out that, u cant be solving the bug tat easily.

computer doesnt regconiz ur logic,
so the result is

when i ask for help
the helper jus dissapear
i dono why...

mayb he din wanna help me

hope i get strong fast!

how i look at u- H&L

Sunday 24 October 2010
its almost one month since i've work in H&L as ICT junior Programmer Trainee which no trainin is given to me, where i hav to work almost 80% of the thing myself

H&L is a company Stand for 52 years.
and having 10 outlets at around Kuching area and nearby town such as SEMARIANG and SERIAN

what i can say about you?
before i work here,
H&L is a supermarket that is a lot LAOYA then Everise in term of supermarket

the outlet is kinda small, look very old and crowded with tonz of products. hard to walk pass

besides that, the worker seems zzz, which is very impolite.
wonder why they always looks like zombie and sumsay like JUSTICe BAO QINGTIAN



the quality of H&L seems to be upgraded as the tabuan jaya outlet shows the huge changes,

they were huge and fill with alot of activities

in term of TECh, they are much more stronger than other supermarket such as

the others is using old system that is alreadi antique

why wont they upgrade??

but, H&L will hav to do sum other changes so that the standard will be rize as the look at the old outlet make me wanna think twice be4 walk in into that shop.


shopping dayz

hungry hungry

last nite go for a walk at OneJaya with laopo,
and bring out my 1000d with me.

when i hang the camera around my neck,
my laopo say,"ur leg so ugly, nt suit the camera."

suddenly, i felt cool wind blow on me,

sob sob..
isit tat ugly mei..
im a guy wor...
hmmp! i swear to myself, tat i wil wear long jeans the next time i went out with 1000d,
so tat wont throw 1000d's facy


after that we walk around the building and check at every mobile shop

suddenly, i saw k770i and the idea come
i suggest to my laopo, and she also kinda like it, the price is nt very expensiv dy as its a old fashion mobile but with good spec.

NICE... the problem solve, (my laopo was very want to bought a new phone. and she is blazi.... around my ears for 2 days )

then we went into a optics shops and i approach the salesperson for quat a price range for my new upcoming specs.

and then i tried on more then 20 pairs of glasses

the salesperson were too kind ~.~
they show me lot of glasses. and i was thinking,
i don hav any cash with me, later they want me to pay then i'll hang neck lor... lol

i like the glasses with a clip on
which enable me to wear like a sunglasses
althou its a very old fashions glass dy...
but,i jus like it

then we left the shop and went to a store of FREE SERVICES of BODY CHECKOUT

hav a simple test and knew about the alarm within our bodies is alreadi rang.

they talk like its very serios
and we hav a 1 hour talk.

about some updown line sales

the cost is OMG as i saw tat i gonna spend 7++ for a month

but after that, we still went for supper.
i jus cant stand the attraction of food....~~

sumbody save me.....
i need to keep fit and lose weight!
can i do it in a cheap way??

Stress looking Face 囧

m i look stress?
my face belongs to the group STRESS?

ivan, my colleague always used to ask me,

"why you look so stress?"

and i hav to answer ::
"no lei.... orz"

i seldom look stress but always gt ppl said tat im stress.


life is unpreditable

Canon EOS 1000D

today, i finally got my first dslr
which is a second hand camera, 1000D

im kinda excited as i had waited for a very long time already.
but the way i got it is kinda childish,
thats me, thats the way i do sumthing
thats the way i act and i make my move

when i start to capture using the camera, i felt z.z
omg, its realli very hard to use..
everythin i'll hav to learn and shudnt use auto mode anymore..

i wanna be a photographer..

but my baby start to be active and try to compete with me.
i jus wanna learn photo graphy...
nt to compete with u

mayb its because i scared of lose.

but wat can i do...
take it and live it....

i love u

u re my first gadget!

facebook? bookface?

all friend in facebook become inactive,
make me lose my mood in playing facebook also.

we hav our gathering very rarely so hav to keep up with their update through online,
there is nothing to do about it,

since there is nothing much to do on facebook,
so i started to focus on other website.

recently always suft around

haix.. life realli boring when u hav no friends

gonna do sumthing to fix it!

hey pal!


hi pal,

i dono whats wrong between u and me and im kinda tired of whats happening.

u realli make me sick
what hav i done that make u angry and unhappy with me.

lifes realli sucks as i realli take u as my BROTHER but u did nt appreciate it.
mayb sumtime u had bad mood talkin to me, but i don mean it,
as i realli din mean it,
im jus expressing myself without hiding anything

but recently,
u realli change a lot..
u become realli kns,
dono whats happened to u.
but feel like beating u.
next time,
i'll gonna consider realli good as i don wan me and my baby's mood spoil by u.

u re sucker....
r u gonna keep tat till the end of ur life?

i wonder...
but hope tat u wont keep tat attitude.
its doesnt make ppl around u feel good

while talking to u, hav to think very carefully....
i hate tat feeling.
like we re getting futher and futher
isn it BROTHER r gonna going closer and closer...

plz, if u still care for this relationship,
don keep everything inside u
it wont help and im nt gonna take my first step this time.
u choose wat u wanna be.

take care


its monday again,
and its the day that i hate the most since i start working. every time, i will have a miserable monday.

which make me moodless.

its almost one month since im start to works.
time flies...
but i cant do anything bout it.
sumtime realli hope that time realli passin fast
cause its kinda boring working here.

always felt like im alone

nobody realli seems 2 care bout wat i hv done

sumtimes its fun staying here as i gt thing to learn and explore. but when go for very deep debugin. while im stuck realli make me moodless

and the music here is driving me crazy

sooner later i'll be able to memorize wats song is comin next..

life is booring, but cant do anything to fix it.

felt like raped by the reality...

must gambatte gambatte gammmmbatte

October 17

Sunday 17 October 2010
is a morning with noone slep beside me. its not a bad thing, but i don hope it will happen frequently..

Today borrow 100 bucks from my evil brother, and i hate borrowing money.
its embarassing, but i kinda need that money to pay the deposit to Kelvin Chang for my upcoming EOS 1000D DSLR

and im getting addicted to it.

after that went to met Kelvin and we hav a "long chat". Around an hour of talk, eventhou we do nt know each other. but with same hobbies and we r teenager, i think we both enjoy the talk.

we talk about cameras, schoollifes and also kuehchap which is very famous in my area.

one thing that he motivated me is that

camera is just something extra, at the end, u re the one who take pictures.

in some point i quite agree with him, but i think that camera wasnt "something" but my partner for coming lifes.
my another companion.


today went to pick my baby at her house.
and its good to hav sweat all day long. although i din like it very much.

at nite time, we had a "show hand cannot see five finger " night, as the elecitry is drop?
but kinda enjoy the enviroment.
baby used to tell me she like the situation where she can slep earli on the nite.

we head back kuching at around 740.
as we reach home we do our thing infront of computer,where she is watching drama and im doing alot of ??? thing.

then we went bad.
some arguement and we manage to solve it.
i think that make our relation went a little bit better than yesterday as we knew each other more.

but i had a bad night as i cant realli slp...
guling here and there quietly...
so i wont wake her up. as she were tired alreadi.
i think i had my slep after 2 am...

October 13

Tuesday 12 October 2010
Today is Tuesday. What I gonna do today I have zero idea on it.
I like programming very much, but to tell the truth, I really hated when read others people's coding. It makes my head very heavy.

Sumtimes, i felt that Im very poor in programming as I realli cannot understand the 'jumping' program.

This call that, and that call this.
omg, it drives me crazy.

I wish to gain several thing from here, experience, salary, social network.

but its nt as good as i expected.


Aaron and Muk are going back soon. Gonna miss them very much. what to do, when friends met then must dismiss also, this is the natural term of living.

I do realli appreciate my Gang and my Good friend. but there are no best friend in my life. I wonder why~
They come and they go.
But there is nothing i can do.