last nite

Thursday 2 December 2010
last night suppose to be a good night,where i was planning to order PIZZA HUT for our family dinner,
and i was calling to 1300 88 2525 when im coming back from workplace,
after that hav a long wait before i can really talk to a human, and it takes 15 minutes for him to take notes of my name and address
after that, i order food and then head to the shop near to my house to buy some softdrinks so that i can sit back and enjoy the pizzas

but when we came back,
mom tell me tat pizza hut called and said that they wont be able to deliver the pizza hut due to..(i also dono the reason)
then i was like (zzz)

haiz... then my stupid litte brother wont go and help me tabao..
wtf. i jus come back from work and cant u jus help me?

he was like complaining about what he had done...
then i felt speechless, and i drive to a housing-kopitiam to dapao
tomato kuehtiao
fried kuehtiao
and kolo mee

and head back to bath and then dine outside

after that, i sms my gang of fren and ask to to hang out
and i successfully ask lixuan to go out with us and we head to RICHMOND PLACE to eat steak

i was dreamming of eating the PORK CHOP there for very long time alreadi..
and i had it last night

the mushroom soup there was nice too.

we ordered
1 pork chop
1 fish and chips
2 mushroom soup

and we all enjoyed it.

after the dinner, we went to fetch chiu
and driving to pasar area.

i was planning to go HAVANA or BLA BLA BLA but as we reach there and looked at the menu
i started to sweat..

HAVANA is selling beer and cocktail
i changed my mind and head to BLA BLA BLA
and as we go in,
the table is decorated in a way that giv me a concept of IM A RESTAURANT and we head out very fast
phew... i thog it was a place for ppl to chat.
mayb will pay a visit next time

then i changed my mind and go toward 3 miles area,
and i was wondering, why kuching have only feel place to hang out during night time

finally, i decide to go DAY DREAM at 4.5th miles
and the place is crowded as usual

we manage to get a parking as we are there.

and when we walked in, the guest there are likes looking at a fashion show
why you ppl need to look at ppl like this

and we sit at a nice and not too bright place


to be continue


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